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“This was a moment when everything came togehter. we had the right place, the right people, and I knew it was the right time. "

- Carolyn Priemer

Carolyn Priemer



Director of Cleveland Culinary Launch & Kitchen


by Michael Broome V, crew 2


“People here seem to care about the community”, Carolyn Priemer says. Priemer has two passions which are Cleveland and cooking. She opened a place called Cleveland Culinary Launch (C.C.L.) where she is the current Executive Director. She’s 37 and lived in Cleveland for about 26 years.  She says her work is “making a difference in Cleveland because people who always wanted to start their own business, but never thought they could are just about ready to start their own business.” Priemer is a Renaissance Clevelander because she is making a difference in her community!


 As a child she wanted to be a teacher or a writer because she said “I was a school nerd and loved to read.” She said that she was more serious when she was younger. Her career dreams had turned to a totally different job that she might like even better.


C.C.L. is an organization that helps people start businesses in cooking and a place where they can practice. Priemer worked on a farm in California then she moved back to Cleveland and got the idea. No one from the organization went on to be very successful in Cleveland, but the businesses are getting to be much better. They’ve started businesses but they aren’t really known around Cleveland or Ohio. She says it’s important to her because the organization makes it easier for people to accomplish their business. She didn’t know that people would come when it opened but it turns out they did, and they now have thirty members. That’s success!


Priemer is the current director of C.C.L. & Kitchen. She says she likes the fact that she gets to meet a lot of people. She said the worst part of her job is that she spends more time in her office than in the kitchen or outside. She would like to spend more time in the kitchen and outside than in her office. She hopes that someday that happens.


In the future Priemer hopes to have a store to sell every ones product. Some of the products in the facility are very good like Jam, Jelly, cookies, pickles, etc. “I hope to have a farmers market where people can sell their stuff and hopefully we could open another kitchen in Ohio.” She would also like a teaching place in our facility. So they can have a place to teach new members about kitchen appliances and cooking.


Priemer would tell her younger self not to let her fears hold them back. Carolyn Priemer is a great director of the Cleveland Culinary Launch and kitchen and hopes that someday the worst part of her job will change. She hopes one of her chefs will go big one day. She says pretty soon some of the chefs will be famous in Cleveland and around the country!



How She Makes a Difference

“My work is making a difference in Cleveland because people who are always said that they wanted to start their own business, but never thought they could are just about ready to start their own business.”


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