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“I knew I wanted to make a change and help people."

- Holly Davis Trifiro

About Holly

Holly Trifiro was in the gifted class in 9th grade. She took English and math at Ohio University in high school. She has spent 24 years in Cleveland.


Holly Davis Trifiro



Executive Director of
Teach For America - Northeast Ohio


by Angelia Murray, crew 2



Why would you want to be a teacher? You don’t make a lot of money and the job is challenging. Even if teachers don’t teach to become millionaires, they do it so they can help people. Teach for America (TFA) doesn’t do it for the money, they do it because they care. Holly Trifiro is an executive director for TFA. Trifiro never knew she wanted to be a teacher but according to her “I knew I wanted to change the world.” Trifiro wanted to help people. Trifiro does it for the kids.  Trifiro is not just an Executive Director of a successful organization; she is also a loving wife and a mother. Trifiro has the same high hope for her son’s future as she did for her own students, “to believe he has something to contribute to the world, and soon he will.”


Teach for America is an organization that helps kids receive a quality education regardless of where they come from.  TFA has 10,000 current teachers and 32,000 alumni. TFA has 115 teachers in 20 different schools. TFA was founded by Wendy Kopp and they know their making a change because their students are giving TFA excellent reports. This impacts Ohio because with more kids graduating from college and high school our employees will go up our and Ohio will have a decrease in the unemployment rate. Also there will be more graduates TFA has a huge impact on our education according to Trifiro.

 Trifiro had hands on experience with kids lacking a great education. Trifiro’s brother was “the wiggly kid at the back of the room and didn’t learn how to read by the 6th grade.” This is very personal to her. “That’s what inspires me” said Trifiro. Trifiro inspires me and manyother students. This inspires her because she wants to be the person that helps people like her brother, earn an excellent education.


Trifiro’s greatest obstacle was her first day of teaching. Trifiro was very nervous but during the middle of the school year Trifiro got better and better. Trifiro made her students care about their education and opportunities. Trifiro’s students were improving and improving through the years all because of the care Trifiro was showing the students. Her students were improving because of her day in and out hard work with the kids. Trifiro does this by showing them she cares. Trifiro says, “I couldn’t be prouder of my class and students, and my students were proud of me.”


Trifiro is my inspiration. I hope she counties what she is doing as a executive director at TFA.I hope by the time I get through college maybe I will make TFA have 10,001 teachers. Also good luck with baby Tate, I hope he grows up and changes the world just like you are doing.



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