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“Where making a difference by educating people about water and animals and maybe grow up to do the things we do."

- Tami Brown

Tami Brown


General Manager of the 
greater Cleveland Aquarium


by JaSean Harris, crew 1



Clevelander Tami Brown wants to see this city thrive! Brown is the General Manager of the new tourist attraction, the aquarium. She helps out Cleveland tourism and its aquatic animals, by running the aquarium. Her previous work in the city was at Positively Cleveland, which is the Convention and Visitor Bureau for the greater Cleveland area. Brown is a Cleveland Renaissance contributor because her work is making this city a better place to work and live in.


Tami had helped open up the aquarium because they wanted people to have a brand new place to visit. She said the opening of the aquarium would help educate people on aquatic animals and water. She also said that 650,000 people have visited the aquarium so far. Tami told us that she was most passionate about young people succeeding, she told me that “you know where you want to go don’t be afraid”. She inspires me to grow up and be a good gentleman, succeed in life, and give back to my community.


As the General Manager at the Greater Cleveland Aquarium she controls things that happen at the aquarium. So if they want something at the aquarium they talk with Tami to get her approval. She said she became interested in the job at the aquarium because she said that she “liked the arts and culture and enjoys helping people out.”  She also added that she “wanted to get a better background on Cleveland.”


She said in the future she “hopes that she inspires people to care for aquatic life.”  She hopes when she retires she can “travel a lot more and try new things.”  She said she “hopes the aquarium will continue to grow and draw more guests”. She hopes that “we Clevelanders can understand what an incredible city we live in.”  She added that “we need to focus more on the positive, rather than complaining about the negative, get together, and work to fix what we can.”


Tami told us to “stop worrying about what others think”.  She told us this because she was shy when she was younger and that she was scared to talk to others and now she’s a GM (General Manager) at an aquarium. “As long as you believe in yourself, you’ll get it”. She made this statement because she has an amazing job because she believed in reaching her goals and worked hard to get to that point.


Tami is a great Clevelander who appreciates and understand this thriving city around her. She likes to see people be successful and enjoys helping them. She is an amazing person and I think everyone should be somewhat like her!



Visitors to the Aquarium

They’ve had 650,000 visitors to the aquarium so far, but numbers will keep adding up!


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